We aim to buy the goods and services we consume and require as a business in an environmentally sustainable and socially responsible manner as possible. To this end we know it’s important that we continually review and refine our needs and research the right products based on performance and environmental impact and we have created our BIG Procurement Policy.
We aim to:
- Focus on products or services that have the greatest environmental impact.
- Examine products that are highly visible within the company; for example, stationery, or office electrical equipment.
- Attempt to use reused, refurbished, remanufactured and recycled-content products wherever possible.
- Use greener products available through existing suppliers, such as energy saving office equipment and biodegradable cleaning products.
- Support local manufacturing efforts by purchasing at least a portion of goods from local manufacturers where they exist.
- Actively encourage suppliers to provide products and services that have a minimum adverse environmental impact, requesting suppliers to identify harmful processes and materials in their manufacturing processes. Seek suppliers that are working towards the phase out of such practices.
When buying goods and services we look at:
Resource Use and Recycling:
- Does production/extraction of the product cause ecological damage, such as loss of habitats or damage to threatened species? Are there alternatives?
- Is this a remanufactured product?
- Can the product be re-used, refilled, recharged or reconditioned to extend its life?
- Can the item be easily upgraded by adding or replacing a part?
- Does the product have a recycled content? What percentage?
- Is the product accredited with a recognised environmental standard?
- Can the product be recycled easily (in the workplace and/or local community)?
Hazardous content:
- Is the product or are its components hazardous to humans and/or the wider environment? If yes, what are the health and safety implications and disposal requirements?
- Are there any non-hazardous alternatives available? E.g. chemical free cleaning products
- Are technical data sheets available?
- Does the item use energy? (E.g. electrical appliances, equipment, machinery, space heating or vehicles).
- If so, is the item as energy efficient as the alternatives?
- Does the item have energy consumption data for all operation modes?
- Can product packaging be reduced or eliminated?
- Is packaging made of recycled material(s)?
- Can packaging be re-used, recycled or returned?
- Is the product locally manufactured and/or locally supplied?
- Does the supplier have a Green Transport Plan for their operations?
Supplier Environmental reporting:
- Does the supplier have evidence of environmental credentials, e.g. a company Environmental Management System including environmental policy?
- Does the supplier report on their environmental performance against set targets?